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Radical Freedom is a far-reaching and thorough effect of change upon an individual's very nature that empowers him or her to act, speak, and think as desired.


We are a nonprofit organization, fully committed to innovative concepts in life-engineering programs and curriculums, for the purpose of empowering young and old, regardless of background or present circumstances, to conceive, believe, and achieve their deepest desires, most beautiful dreams, and greatest potential.



For anyone who wishes to become fully awake, be aware of every aspect of their own experience, and consciously engineer the life of their dreams, know that what you seek is possible. We believe that this program is being presented at this particular time, in this specific place, just for you. We further believe that there are no accidents; "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."  


We're excited to meet every program participant who finds their way to the Vision Journaling™ method. They come with diverse motivations, and we love them all. The Vision Journaling™ method is perfect for individuals or groups of individuals with varying goals, central to becoming their very best selves or excelling in a particular field of study or work. Vision Journaling™ works brilliantly for those individuals who aspire to become better students, more powerful executives, or the most successful salespeople in their industry or in the history of their organization!


Vision Journaling™ offers real, substantive, and lasting change at every point of the human experience. Consequently, some show up seeking to free themselves from victimhood of circumstance, others from addiction, self-loathing, and all manner of self-sabotaging behavior patterns. Others may feel lost and disconnected from everything and everyone and long for reconnection. A common goal for new Vision Journaling™ practitioners is to mend relationships that have been lost through years of neglect. Whatever their respective objectives may be, within context, all are welcomed. Each of us is where we are. Vision Journaling™ is a path to becoming that which each of us most desire to be.

"I'm very enthusiastic about the Radical Freedom Project because it has placed emphasis on a scientific foundation. The Radical Freedom Program transcends the old thinking and comes into a quantum view of the new biology, and that's where the answers come from."   
~ Dr. Bruce H. Lipton ~


Dwayne Vandervoort


Mindy Vandervoort


Bruce H. Lipton
Mountain of Love Productions



Mid-South Division Central Office

500 N. Madison Street, Suite 5

Corinth, MS 38835



Joe Tabbanella
Life-Engineering Programming

Founding Partner 

Sol Mustafa
Health & Wellness Programming

Mecca Wagner-Brown
Holistic Therapy Programming

Founding Partner


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