T. Fenstermaker (19-year-old Former Prison Inmate)
I just got out of prison two months ago. I made parole. I tracked down your website and have been reading all about what you are doing now. It brings back so many memories for me to read all about this stuff on your website. I don't know if you will even remember me, but I was 19 years old when I met you. I was facing 12 years in prison for my crimes, but you didn't care about them at all. You never even asked me about them. I remember one time I tried to tell you about what I had done, and you told me I didn't have to unless I needed to, because what I had done did not define who I am. It was right then that I began to change. Somehow that one thing you said to me made me realize something about myself that I hadn't never even thought of before. I was also a Satanist when I met you, and you didn't care about that either. I thought that was weird. Everybody cared about that! But you never said a bad thing about anything. What you showed me about myself in the year I got to spend with you, changed my life. I just wanted to tell you thanks bro."
A.Christensen (28-year-old Former Prison Inmate)
"A few years ago I was living on the streets in southern California, addicted to drugs and doing everything all wrong. After a series of bad decisions, I ended up in prison. The judge ordered me to do a prison-based rehab and treatment program. When I arrived, it was a disorganized and chaotic place to be. I was seeking something. I had no direction or reason for living. I started going to various religious studies, but most of them were very political and too binding. None were spiritual, or maybe I was just too predudiced to see clearly at the time. As the end of my sentence came close, a man came to the facility and began to teach meditation classes. A whole group of us started attending these classes on a daily basis. I had never done anything like this before, and it opened up a whole new perspective on all of life, on the world around me and inside me. Soon I was studying various books, putting together the pieces, and realizing the whole concept of my spiritual nature that I had never even considered was out there. The man was Dwayne Vandervoort. He became a new beginning for me. He gave me the power to see the world in a whole new way. Because of that, I now have hope and so much love."
E.King (16-year-old High School Student)
"I joined this Vision Journaling program on a whim from my high school phycology class. I did not believe that this would have as big of an effect on my life when I started as it did. I have noticed that I stay awake and alert for my entire day. I am more confident and positive than I've been in a very long time. I have found that the person I am at home has merged with the personality I am at school and around people. I have learned about brain plasticity and how to take advantage of it. I learned to notice how my own thoughts affect my mood and daily motivation. I'm more in touch with nature and the earth around me than I've been my entire life. I understand how to make goals as well as achieve them. I have gained a lot of new important lifelong skills and mindsets from Vision Journaling. I am very thankful for the people who have supported me and many others throughout this life-changing experience."
D.Hastey (31-year-old College Student)
"I have gained so much self-worth through Vision Journaling, and I've learned to love who I am. I now feel proud of who I am. This program has helped me with my self-esteem and helped me to learn to love others. The gratitude section every day has given me a positive outlook on life, and I appreciate this program so much."
N. Giffin (32-year-old Educator)
"Going through the process of Vision Journaling each day has helped me to recognize the path I wish to move forward on. I feel more aligned with my goals and notice when I step toward them and away from them. I am more in tune with the person I want to be and the resources I have to get there. Physically, I have been sleeping better and feel more focused on my work and in conversations. I am very grateful to have been a part of this project."
A. Rivera (21-year-old College Student)
"I have gained a world of perspective. From the daily practice of being in a state of gratitude to the power statements which have steered me and all my daily decisions since I began the program. This has all made me more conscious and willing to continue down the path chosen for me and to listen to the creator and to listen to my heart. To speak and communicate with the same conviction in which I write my power statements. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity of a lifetime in the form of Vision Journaling!"
D. Atencio (19-year-old College Student)
"I have really enjoyed being a part of this program. It taught me the importance of being grateful for things in my life. It gave me a different perspective on how I was living my life. I learned that the smallest moments can make a huge difference."
T. McKenzie (19-year-old College Student)
"The most important lesson I've learned from this program is that my mind naturally wanders and falls into the circumstance of life. When I speak to myself internally and honestly I reshape my thoughts in a huge and beneficial way. Vision Journaling provided a dialogue between versions of myself; all working together to create an optimized life. The program introduced extremely relevant journal entry sections. I enjoyed the whole process and I'm definitely moving forward with knowledge about myself that I otherwise would not have discovered. I've definitely moved towards some of my major goals and was constantly reminded of my individual purpose in a positive way."
D. Thompson (16-year-old High School Student)
"I have been able to really get the most out of each day by journaling and reflecting. It has helped me live each day the way that I want to. Also, I have been able to recognize gratitude way more throughout my day and really think about what I am grateful for. I have also been able to implement habits and actions in my life through writing goals and intentions for the day."
C. Jones (20-year-old College Student)
"In the short time that I've picked up the practice of Vision Journaling, along with the many other practices offered through the Crestone Freedom Project, I have started to see a major shift in myself and how I view the world around me. I like to think that I’ve always been ambitious, but until recently I didn’t really have a method in place to make those ambitions become my reality. Now, after going through one of the studies and deciding to continue on with the program and make it a part of my life forever, I'm confident I will achieve anything that I set my intentions to. I firmly believe that if a person puts the work into this program, the sky is the limit for what they can achieve. For anyone looking to take charge of their life, this is the right place to do it!"
M. McManus (23-year-old College Student)
"I seem to have changed in all the best ways since starting on Vision Journaling. I used to feel tired and depressed most of the time, so much that it became my normal state of being, but from the start of this project to now, I have gained energy throughout the day and improved my moods. The groups and meditations have helped me to prioritize my life to make it so that I'm doing what truly matters to me. I have been making healthier choices. The future that I really want seems so much more attainable, and I've started thinking of myself as part of the earth instead of just 'on it'."
M. Hernandez (19-year-old College Student)
"There are not many programs like Vision Journaling out there. This program throughout the days has been special for me; it has changed the way I see my reality, the way I think about things, the way I see my direction in life. Vision Journaling not only talks to me about how to change my perspective of life but also teaches me about the magic of life and my being as a whole. Vision journaling is helping me to discover my true potential, to be honest with myself, heal, and take control of my actions and thoughts. The sense of community created because of this program is unique too. I have met new people and know about how they think, feel, and act. They make me realize that we all have complex, sometimes complicated lives and we are all special in our own ways. Once participants start to become committed to the process and understand the real purpose of this program they become sure of one thing: once they finish the program, their lives will never be the same; their lives will be better."
H. Noll (19-year-old College Student)
"Vision Journaling has inspired me to achieve more in my life. Before Vision Journaling, I was manifesting from a place of doubt and fear. Nowadays, I have a vision for achieving more and with the possibility of opening my own business. This method allowed me to wake up and be excited – excited to learn, grow, and improve in everything I do! Vision journaling didn't give me my potential; it unlocked, so I could use it as effectively as possible."
K. Lozinski (28-year-old business owner)
"Vision Journaling has brought a sense of greatness to my life. Since beginning to journal I have found myself working harder towards completing goals and coming up with goals that I never knew I had. I went from rarely reading to reading something enriching every single day. I went from feeling there wasn't enough time in the day for all that was added, to finding there's an abundance of time in my everyday schedule. I feel more confident in myself and my abilities. This is a journey I will continue for far longer than 10 weeks, I will continue because I know it is what is working and helping guide me in the direction I always knew I wanted but didn't know how. I have found myself opening up more to others and not worrying about any sort of judgment. We are all human and we need to work together to achieve a wonderful beginning. Sharing with others makes me want to push harder to achieve. Writing daily reminds me of what I really want and shows me that there are endless possibilities. I went from feeling "I'm too old to go back to school" thinking "why expand when I've got something that I knew would pay/take care of my needs," to expanding and going back to school to do something I know I will enjoy and give me the time I want to have with my family. I am deeply grateful to have been part of this study and will continue to be part of it."
P. Vandersteen (45-year-old mental health professional)
"Through Vision Journaling, I have learned to pay closer attention to my inner monologue and limit the inner critic. I have developed a daily routine to seek out what is possible, look for reasons to be grateful rather than taking things for granted, and have become more grounded in my body as a result of meditative practices. I feel I am headed in a more positive direction in life where my mind is not working against me through self-sabotaging statements. I find this program to be very beneficial."
B. Shelton (36-year-old business owner)
"Since I've started Vision Journaling, I have been using the centrifuge to help deal with issues each day as they arise. It's really helped me see things from a different angle. I've started to be more goal-oriented as well which is nice. I hope soon to be able to have a more focused schedule as well thanks to the program"
M. Brown (52-year-old holistic therapist)
"Vision Journaling took many aspects of my current practice and put it into an organized format that required daily work and accountability. I noticed changes in what I was thinking, how I was thinking about those things, and then being motivated to act. It also brought consistency in what my days feel like as far as direction and productivity. Not only is the actual Vision Journaling Worksheet helpful, but the opportunities provided by the program in regards to group meditations M-F, some learning on trauma, and group sharing of information. This created a community and even more accountability but also support on my journey. I feel part of a team who are all moving in the same direction of bettering themselves and realizing the power we have on our lives."
A. Bradford (56-year-old mental health professional)
"I have learned that I will become what I think and believe. I have seen the power of optimism and positive thinking. I am feeling more connected and grateful. I can see a shift from a place of wanting to a place of abundance in my life. I’m learning to let go and be in acceptance of all that is in my life! This has been a life-changing experience for me!"
C. Zimmerman (52-year-old therapeutic services professional)
"This has been a great reflective exercise that I feel has strengthened my intent and purpose in life. The community I connected with on a weekly basis was one of my favorite parts. It was great to see everyone's interpretation of the various components and all the different and varied responses to the exercises."
E. Thomsen (48-year-old retired military veteran)
"I have gained greater awareness of myself, the world around me, and the universe. I have aligned myself with the things that contribute to my goals. I have become even more present."
G. Kirk (46-year-old artist)
"I have truly enjoyed the learnings, meditations and sessions in this program. The power statements have been extremely helpful and the mindfulness has deeply affected me. I will continue these practices long beyond this course and I am extremely grateful for have progressed through this program. Dwayne has helped me personally to recognize and heal some childhood wounding that I will continue to be mindful of and integrate. I am grateful to the entire team and thankful for the investment into my well being and expansion."
J. Andrews (23-year-old reiki practicioner)
"This has been a deeply grounding practice for me. It has allowed me to anchor myself during the most expansive period of my life thus-far and now feels like an integral component to my well-being and contribution to the world. Thank you for the love and intention poured into creating this structure."
J. Schlotzsky (62-year-old therapeutic services provider)
"I have gained a lot from this program. I learned about breathwork and how I can use breathwork to help with anxiety. I have learned how to make goals and how to use affirmations to be more clear with my intentions. The amazing power of Gratitude and Forgiveness is a key to having joy in my life. Taking the time to do all the steps designed in the program has created a wonderful regimen in my daily life to connect and co-create my life. This program allows everyone to come together in a beautiful setting allowing us to grow as individuals and share our experiences so we can learn from each other. The diversity of the events allowed me to grow in mind, body and spirit. I am grateful to have participated in this program."
M. Snider (37-year-old executive assistant)
"I'm grateful for Vision Journaling and the wonderful experiences and breakthroughs I've experienced during this course. I feel significantly more grateful, present, and empowered than ever, which is valuable to me and feels fantastic."
J. Sharp (41-year-old Episcopalian priest)
"I think it's a great program ... I appreciated the opportunities to talk about a connection with nature, to share inspirational quotations with myself and others, and to support a practice of daily gratitude."
N. Cobert (57-year-old retired entrepreneur)
"My experience ... was very empowering. I have gained more clarity and a beneficial structure for my spiritual evolution through the program's guided journaling, and how to construct power statements. I enjoyed empowering conversations, and the support system the group had. I gained more clarity on how to reach my goals and dreams. I also saw, very powerfully, the benefits of the program through the evolution of the different individuals in the group. I am grateful for the experience, thank you!"
S. Ward (53-year-old small business owner)
"My whole mindset has opened up to connections with the earth, especially trees and living plants and pets. I believe my life goals are attainable on a larger scale than I previously imagined. Connection with other brilliant-minded individuals through Vision Journaling has been amazing in that everyone has something to offer when we conversate about the mind and how it works.
I have gained a deeper sense of self. Tools to calm my nerves and conquer anxiety, and knowledge on how what we put into our mouths can affect our brains and vice versa.
I understand that keeping my goals in front of me daily allows me to keep working until I see them form and come into existence. The whole process has been so very amazing. I will continue the process and use the tools I have gained through VJ LIVE. It is so worth the effort. The meditation and videos are of great help in understanding the process... Self-check-in and presence of mind is everything! Thank you"
T. Malcolm (52-year-old therapeutic services provider)
"This is a truly life-changing program. I have benefited greatly from it and I am extremely grateful."
Dr. T. Ingram (46-year-old professor & playwright)
"I have a greater appreciation for this world around me. I feel more connected to it. I think I have a stronger relationship to my own mind and how it affects not only myself but how I shape my own life and the world."
V. Lucas (51-year-old corporate human resources manager)
"I have gained mindfulness of myself, my surroundings, my family, my daily actions and interactions. I have always liked putting thoughts to paper. Journaling was something I have been doing for several years but not in this capacity. It has helped to keep me on track and accountable to continue writing daily. I really feel good about the growth Vision Journaling has brought to my daily life and is something I will be continuing for my continued self-growth."
V. Rameriz (48-year-old homemaker)
"The Freedom Project has given me the purpose I need in life and helped me learn more about myself and my feelings and the power of my thoughts. I am more conscious of myself and aware of the impact of my thoughts in my everyday life and the power of vision and how it manifests in my life and for the ones I love. I truly believe Vision Journaling and the Freedom Project should be part of every family and household."