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An Act of Thanksgiving vs. The State of Gratitude

Updated: Jan 23

Gratitude is felt from within. It is discovered and not created.
An authentic state of gratitude turns what we have into enough, even when we have nothing tangible.

I have frequently spoken and written about gratitude over the years, as it is among the most effective practices for bringing ourselves into alignment with the fundamental order of the universe. When understood and practiced as a state of consciousness, it is the most direct and immediate method of opening to a novel discovery of gratitude as a cause rather than an effect. Each of us participating in the Radical Freedom Program seeks to discover and reveal a latent, heart-centric, and unconditional state of gratitude resident within the deepest parts of our being.

The discovery of this state is necessary for bringing about experiences of all the delights for which humankind has ever longed. It is, in fact, the causative factor that drives every manifestation of our desires, our most beautiful dreams, and our best-life ideals! This state of gratitude only functions in a one-way order of operations—inside out! It may not be attained from the outside in. Locating the spot within us where gratitude actually lives becomes immediately instinctive the moment one stops looking outside themself for the source of what's going on inside themself!

This principle is often confused with its opposite, which assumes that manifesting our beautiful dreams is the cause of gratitude; nothing could be further from the truth. Let us look thoughtfully at two critical terms—the act of thanksgiving and the state of gratitude. We will define each for clarity and establish a distinction between the two:

The Act of Thanksgiving is an expression of appreciation in response to the acquisition or experience of a feeling, condition, material object, event, relationship, or other gifted pleasure for which we have been made beneficiary by luck or favor.

gratitude is caustive from the inside-out
Stop looking outside yourself for the source of what's going on inside yourself!

Conditional thanksgiving is what we practice when drafting endlessly long lists of things we are happy to possess or have in our experience. While proper, mindful, and important in many ways, this form of practice is not creative by nature. It is responsive; it is conditional. Thanksgiving is dependent upon something—an observable or experiential possession.

The State of Gratitude is causative (related to creation) in nature. It may be compartmentalized along with other rare and uncaused causes within the spectrum of creation-bearing factors (forces that create).

An authentic state of gratitude theoretically exists within the same dimension as spacetime, gravity, and consciousness itself, meaning that it exists without cause and maintains perpetual existence without regard for condition. What we are saying, in perhaps less ambiguous terms, is that an authentic state of gratitude is equivalent to being grateful for nothing! The moment some thing (two words) becomes an element of the gratitude equation, there no longer exists a state but a condition!

The state of gratitude is absent of an object or condition. Consider the following hypothetical: if our gratitude were dependent upon the possession of some object or the existence of some condition, then our gratitude would evaporate if the object is lost or the condition becomes unstable or changed. The state of gratitude is within us and is unchanged regardless of condition. The state of gratitude exists when the world around is falling apart. It is a state of perfect trust, perfect surrender, and total unattachment from need. An authentic state of gratitude turns what we have into enough, even when we have nothing tangible or observable. It brings peace to the moment, makes sense of the past, and creates a vision for tomorrow. When one becomes immersed in this state, it becomes abundantly self-evident. That evidence presents itself as unmistakable markers in conscious awareness. A few of them are listed here:

  • A knowing that all is well no matter what appears to the five senses.

  • A prevailing confidence that nothing has ever gone wrong and never will.

  • A profound realization that whatever comes will come bearing a greater good.

  • A clear understanding that one is a unique and individual expression of perfection.

The state to which I point is accessible to us all and is to be found in the silence of the void. It lives just behind our next breath and creates every heartbeat. I recognize the abundance from which each of us sprang into form. It is fully aware of our connection to all that is and understands that we have never been alone, never been hurt, harmed, or endangered—not once—never! The state of gratitude is the spring from which flows the joyful tears we have never been able to explain—those that bubble up from depths unknown when the chattering mind becomes quiet and is lulled to sleep by the presence of something that feels like everything and nothing and swaddles the child within. Nothing can touch this, change this, reduce this, or escape this. It is the unconditional state of gratitude that defies every definition yet has the power to transform our lives completely and instantly! It wields the might of radical freedom!

break the chains and have radical freedom
The Radical Freedom Program begins a series of research projects with LSU soon. Research participants are needed for this project. Reserve your seat at no cost before the 12-week kickoff!

You are invited to join us, learn with us, and practice a unique method of conscious awareness with us, a radically different approach to gratitude, and much more. The Radical Freedom Program is now planning a series of six research projects in collaboration with the Department of Psychology at Louisiana State University. We are filling up our remaining open seats for round one! You will be welcome as part of this research. There is no cost involved if you are participating in the 12-week study.

Please submit a request for contact at

at your earliest convenience, and someone will reach out to you right away.

Peace, Love & Freedom for All,

Dwayne V.

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I really like how you explain the differences between Thanksgiving and Gratitude.

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