All levels are independent of each other. Scores are not cumulative.

Award Level I
Attaining the initiate grade means the participant has a basic knowledge of how the system functions and also understands how the method works overall. The Initiate has made an initial investment of time to become proficient in its operation.
Earn 20,000 points within a consecutive 8-week period.
Show proficiency with basic knowledge during review.
Mind Map shows entries in all blocks except CIF block.

Award Level II
The Apprentice shows signs of marked improvement, consistent effort, and increased knowledge. Historically apprenticeships were awarded to those showing dedication and a marked desire to learn.
Earn 50,000 points within a consecutive 16-week period.
Increase in basic knowledge and proficiency of use.
Entries in all blocks with a progressive change.

Award Level III
Becoming far more proficient with life-engineering, as evidenced in a newly consistent mind mapping dedication. Practitioners have mastered the tendency to skip their daily practice. It has become habituated and is now effortless.
Earn 100,000 points within a consecutive 26-week period.
Show increasing consistent time spent with VJ practice.
Demonstrate consistent practice of meditation.

Award Level IV
The healer has begun to practice for the betterment of others as well as themself. Perspective has shifted and an opening to the outpouring of a loving kindness begins here. A new consciousness of relationship to all takes form.
Earn 100,000 points within a consecutive 26-week period.
Mind Map shows entries that benefit others as well as self.
A core-healing consciousness is now emerging!

Award Level V
Manifestors speak in a perpetual state of creation. As it is in consciousness, so it is in material reality. The art of creating has become second nature, and an awareness of thoughts, words, and actions has become the default position in everyday life.
Earn 150,000 points within a consecutive 40-week period.
Demonstrate manifestation as a realized way of living.
Mastery of behavior patterns and prevailing language.

Award Level VI
The Adept has become fully proficient through perceptual pattern shifts resulting from high consciousness connection and a significant shift in perception. Enhanced vision emerges as a result, and all things are now appear as possibilities.
Earn 150,000 points within a consecutive 40-week period.
Demonstrate a "through-me" level of consciousness.
Mastery of behavior patterns and comprehension of grade.

Award Level VII
Master grade is attainable to the most dedicated practitioners of the Vision Journaling methods The level may be achieved when one's connection with the high consciousness develops into high conversation.
Earn 200,000 points within a consecutive 50-week period.
Demonstrate an "as-me" level of consciousness.
Mastery of behavior patterns and comprehension of grade.

Intructor Certification
The Visionary Certification Grade is granted only to those who master the Vision Journaling techniques to the most proficient degree. They are our experts and hold the highest instructor-grade certifications.
One-on-one oral and written presentations evaluated.
Presentation of RFPI Inc. collaboration intentions
Leadership training and testing program proficiency.